Forest resources uses pdf

Jun 02, 2015 forest provide fuel, wood, timber, wildlife, habitat, industrial, forest products, climate regulations, medicinal etc. Management of private forest may, for example, be for the maximum output of good quality timber. Productive functions of forest resources overview forests, other wooded land and trees outside forests provide a wide range of wood and nonwood forest products. Forest resource management involves much more than planting trees or cutting them down. One of the important renewable natural resource on earth. Hence, it is high time to rationalize land use planning in the country and put in order the national laws on land uses such as prime agricultural land, agrarian reform, protected areas, ancestral domain, fisheries, forestry, mining and housing that are sector specific. They were food gatherers and depended on the forest for all their needs. In recent years, canadas actual harvest has been 44 per cent of annual growth, while. The history of the exploitation of forest is as old as man himself but during older times, the exploitation was balanced through natural growth of forest because at that time, exploitation was only for personal and community uses. Identify the mistake and write the correct statement below each. All the resources of the forest reserves are for use, and this use must be brought about in a thoroughly prompt and businesslike manner, under such restrictions only as will insure the permanence of these resources.

These benefits are often described as resources that people can draw upon for fuel, lumber, and recreational or commercial purposes. Encyclopedia of life support systems eolss figure 2. The high rate of extraction of forest products in brazil relates at least partly, of course, to the countrys. Our results suggest that societal values, in particular, are key to understanding the local resource use underlying the forest transition in yunnan. As that tree is made into wood products, it not only helps builds the places we live, work and play, but it holds onto all of that carbon it captured from the air, and locks it. Hundreds of more precise definitions of forest are used throughout the world, incorporating factors such as tree density, tree height, land use, legal standing and ecological function. Forest floor contains decomposing leaves, animal droppings, and dead trees.

Thats why its very important for communities and user groups to learn about forest management. The pressure on indias forest come from a variety of sources, includingthe increase in population, from 390 million in 1950 to 1 billion in 2001, the loss of the 4. Use and overexploitation, deforestation, timber extraction, mining, dams and their effects on forests and tribal people. Washington association of conservation districts wacd. Multipleuse forest management in the humid tropics. Importance of forest to human life 10 points on uses and. Impact of a growing population on natural resources. Forest can provide food, fibre, edible oils and drugs. Forests are storehouses of a large variety of life forms such as plants, mammals, birds, insects and reptiles etc. Forests climate change, biodiversity and land degradation. Use and overutilization of surface and ground water, floods, drought, conflicts over water, damsbenefits and problems.

In india, forests form 23 percent of the total land area. Natural resources are the source which are useful to man or it can be transformed into a. Washington conservation commission wcc commission directory. Archaeobotanical outcomes stressed the variety of forest. In the forests you will find a variety of different resources. The southern wildlandurban interface assessment managing forests under change as rural land is converted to urban uses, the ways in which nearby private and public forests are valued and managed change a great deal. The forest resources refers to a term that is associated with the resources that are found in a given forest, some of the forest resources includes the wild animals, water, wildlife, timber. The productive function of forest resources is a traditional thematic element and one of the main objectives of forest resources assessments. Safety is a core value of the forest products industry. The forest floor supports ferns, grasses, mushroom and tree seedlings. Canada ranks 2nd out of 17 peer countries for the intensity of use of forest resources actual harvest as a per cent of annual growth indicator and receives an a grade for performance.

Conservation and use of natural resources biology 187 notes module 4 environment and health intext questions 26. Things to consider in forest management the forest can be managed for various objectives. A single rotation forest model unlike the fishery, or like typical production functions, one cannot harvest incremental growth. Whether its workers in the mill, truck drivers hauling fiber, or loggers harvesting trees, we should make every effort to ensure that work environments are safe and that good, safety first, decisions are being made by owners and employees. From the 18th century, scientific forest management systems were engaged to regenerate and yield the forest resources in india to make it sustainable. Of the nontimber resources of the forest lands of the ussr that are the object of secondary uses, feed resources, represented by vast hayfields and pastures, are of the greatest importance. When it was standing, a tree provides habitat for animals, offers shade to streams, and pulls carbon out of the air.

Trees serve so many uses both in the forest and out. Forest resource managers must combat insects, disease, and the threat of wildfire, all within the federal. The natural resources may be defined as any material given to us by nature which can be transformed in a way that it becomes more valuable and useful. The word forest is derived from the latin word foris means outside may be the reference was to a village boundary or fence separating the village and the forest land. But in recent year, depletion of forest has been on a large scale. Even today man is dependent on the forest for herbs and plants to fight against disease. In spite of the consequences of forest degradation and biodiversity loss and reliance of communities on forests livelihoods, there is little empirical data on the role of forest resources. The forest resources assessment fra working paper series is designed to reflect the activities and progress of the fra. Despite the growth of agriculture and the consumption of forestry resources, these.

Pdf multiple uses of forest resources in small and medium. Important questions describe types of forest resources and their uses and overuses and effects of that activity of human. The role of the community in the management of forests in. Ii food, forage and medicinal resources of forests turner nancy j. Decay on the forest floor forms new soil and provides nutrients to the plants. Federal laws, such as the endangered species act or the clean water act, may impact the whole southern region. Forests prevent soil erosion by binding the soil with the network of roots of the different plants and reduce the velocity of wind and rain which are the chief agents causing erosion. Applications of communitybased natural resource management projects. This video is part of ofris forest fact breaks series, which uses bold animated graphics, sound effects and narration to teach about natural resource topics in a fun, easytounderstand way. Pdf multiple uses of forest resources in small and medium farms. The area is located on the west side of the talamanca mountains between 1.

The contribution of forest resources in protecting watershed and irrigation. State laws and growth management planning may affect forest ecosystems at a state level see chapter 4. All these activities directly or indirectly involve forests. Forests in kenya are threatened by unsustainable uses and conversion to alternative land uses. Timber is also a raw material for preparation of paper, rayon and film. Importance of forest resources in india during the early 1990s about 17% of forest resources in india land were dense forestland. Pdf multiple uses of forest resources in small and. Evans and cronkleton 2008 states that for forest managers, sustainability and managing a particular forest means determining, in a tangible way, how to use it today to ensure similar benefits health and productivity tomorrow and in future. They present national averages that may conceal important variations among forests. Forest management an overview sciencedirect topics. A century ago, a large area of forests disappeared worldwide, because timber production was the major goal for forest resource management during that time, and only a few people were concerned about the sustainability of forest resources.

Forest is one of the most valuable resources and thus needs to be conserved. Multiple uses of forest resources in small and medium farms in the tropics. The national forest policy has recommended 33 % forest area for plains and 67 % for hills the deforestation rate per unit population in india is lowest among the major tropical countries for effective forest management of country we have to take the confidence of tribal who have been living in forest. Conservation of forest is a national problem, thus it should be tackled with perfect coordination between concerned government departments. It must be recognized that the protective role of forests is operative and has a major impact on urban water resources 26. Uses of forest the functions of forest may broadly classified into following categories local consumptive use productive or market use ecosystem services other uses 16. Table 3 value of annual timber removals in wisconsin, in millions pdf map 1 forest legacy area boundaries pdf map 2 the north forest legacy area pdf map 3 seasonal homes per total homes pdf map 4 the west central region forest legacy area pdf map 5 the baraboo hills forest legacy area pdf map 6 the kettle moraines. In regard to the extraction of forest resources, the figure for brazil in 2005 was 290 million m3 of which an estimated 58% consisted of timber for industrial use, with much of the remainder consisting of firewood unep, 2010.

Abies grandis grand fir an ingredient in 10barks medicine and other traditional medicines of northwest coast first nations of canada. The controlled use of forest resources at a rate that allows forests to renew themselves is called sustained yield forest management. How societal values determine the local use of forest resources. Forest resources and their uses use page 309 to 321 to answer the following questions. How we estimate and project future forest resource characteristics is both a practical and a conceptual data management challenge. Sustainable use of forest resources by angelika stoll cloudbridge nature reserve costa rica 1. The tpz district is intended to be an exclusive area for the growing and harvesting of timber and those uses that are. Natural resources forests introduction a forest is a complex ecosystem which is predominantly composed of trees, shrubs and is usually a closed canopy. The main objective of managing community forest is often to sustainably provide for the needs of firewood, fodder, timber, etc. Describe in detail types of forest resources and what are problems created by deforestations in india. Apart from their direct uses described above, the forests are of immense use to man indirectly also. In 1985, food and agriculture organization of the united nations fao published a work addressing multiple uses of forests in the tropics. Pimentel introduction a h e a l t h y and prudently managed environment is a major benefit to humans and other species.

Timber obtained from the forest can used to make plywood, board, doors and windows, furniture, and agriculture implements and sports goods. Applications of cbnrm are as diverse as the reasons for its inception. In addition, the data of special surveys and estimates are used for taking stock of and describing nontimber forest resources and assessing various useful properties of the forests. This reduction has been mainly driven by conversion to other land uses and to a lesser extent by forest degradation. They gradually became food growers, clearing a small patch in the forest to grow food. Give the classification of forests and discuss the effects of deforestation on society. The fertility of the soil increases due to the humus which is formed by the decay of forest litter. Theory, concepts, and management institutions 3 figure 1in the northwest forest plan, the diminishing extent of oldgrowth forests in the region has raised concerns whether these forests can be sustained and restored. Services provided by forests cover a wide range of ecological, political, economic, social and cultural considerations and processes. Please note that many of these laws are in russian only, where possible a link to an english language summary has been provided. One of the categories of materials considered in this analysis is biomass, whose subcategories include primary crops, crop residues, grazed biomass and wood. Pdf precolumbian uses of forest resources in funerary.

The country may use another threshold value than 2 mm for fine roots, but in. This paper exposes some of the indigenous knowledge systems iks that have been practised. The perception that forests provide resources for people has been a prominent factor in spurring efforts to preserve forests. Forests provide an array of benefits to human societies above and beyond their pivotal roles as habitat and environmental regulators in natural ecosystems.

The federal forestry agency of the russian federation is responsible for forest policy, formulation and legal regulation in regards to the conservation, regeneration and utilization of forests. Forest lands are also used for agriculture and grazing. Lumber lumber can be used for several different purposes, such as paper, firewood, houses, airplanes, cars and even clothes. Economic and social contributions article pdf available in african journal of agricultural research 1141. To conserve forest, following steps should be taken. Forest resources the word forest is derived from a latin word foris means outside forest are one of the most important natural resources of the earth. These indicators give insights into quantitative aspects of forest resources. In recent years, canadas actual harvest has been 44 per cent of annual growth, while the oecd average has been 56 per cent. Although the sustainable use of forest resources in forest ecosystem management has been debated continuously, it is still an important strategy for forest. Our partners in serving nonindustrial forestland owners. Also the forests have abundant microorganisms and fungi, which do. Apr 25, 2017 natural resources ppt pdf free to download.

Over the past 25 years, global carbon stocks in forest biomass have decreased by almost 11 gigatonnes gt. Forests play an important role in maintaining the watersheds 27. Environmental studies land resources tutorialspoint. Forest resources article about forest resources by the. While we are losing forest resources at a high rate globally, afforestation efforts are made in some regions to offset this adverse effect.

Forest resources article about forest resources by the free. Forests, other wooded land and trees outside forests provide a wide range of wood and nonwood forest products. The challenge for environmental management david pimentel, x. In nepal, community forest is a resource of primary importance. Indigenous knowledge systems and environmental management. Sustainable forest management, biodiversity and livelihoods. The forest law covers the management and use of religious forests, leasehold forests, government managed forests and protected forests. Over 2 billion people rely on forests forests provide us with shelter, livelihoods, water, food and fuel security. All life on earth obtains its food and other necessities from this environment.

Understory is made up of bushes, shrubs, and young trees that are adapted to living in the shades of the canopy. But they continued to depend on forests to meet a lot of their needs. Some are easy to figure out fruits, paper and wood from trees, and so on. These resources are not capable of being regenerated by ecological processes. Management and conservation of forest resources in the interface are further challenged by scale. Leaves, bark, and other parts of many other trees also have medicinal value and are used to make various ayurvedic medicines. Approximately rd of the earths total area is covered by forests. Use of forest resources conference board of canada. Forest managers and scientists are working to find a balance to ensure longterm forest sustainability in oregon. Local consumptive use food like roots, fruits, tubers, fish, mushrooms, animal meat e. Forest fire in india is around 3 million hectare per year with a loss of forest cover valuing around rs 440 crores. Forest management and planning requires information that describes the current state of forests as well as alternative future states of forests. People began life on this planet as forest dwellers.